Genealogy, special record of ordinary people

Genealogy of the Ui-sung KIM ssi

The genealogy of Korean people is unprecedented massive households records in the world. The Korean people calls genealogy a "Jok-Bo".
"Joseon wangjo silrok(the true record of the joseon dynasty)", designated as UNESCO world heritage, is public record for nation, on the other hand the genealogy is personal record. The Genealogy record was started at personal interest as who is my family, however it is been Korea history if each family's history and people is collected. The vestige people, who is not here, are lived and disappeared can be found from genealogy. The Genealogy is good historical data because of checking on people story  who could not be found in existing historical presentation and story how a family is lived in view point of micro-history. 

Special Record of Ordinary People......

All the people derives from a progenitor. Ah! We're look like One as blood relative of him like a chestnut tree. It is the natural we don't know Who's who each other. Because blood relative is estranged each other in flow of time, But body diverged from a progenitor equate with a pedestrian. How sad is it not as one of clerisy?!  [Genealogy of the Ui-sung KIM ssi] in 1553.

The genealogy contains a longing for my parents and ancestors, whose names are not recorded in history books, but they have lived in this world and have an ancestor who gave birth to me and my parents. All of its ancestral names are recorded in genealogy. Hyo(filial duty) begins with longing and gratitude for parents.

System of genealogy

System or contents configuration of genealogy is not consistent according to each type and family. But traditional, genealogy has something in common because of being edited as regular principles and means.
Genealogy recorded all blood tribe of those days without limit, if who have same Last name and family clan. Each recorded individual contents in genealogy is a little bit different. But Next is something recorded commonly.

1) Name : Only writing name, to the exclusion of Last name.

2) Ja(자) :
   It's recorded with Name after middle of Joseon Dynasty. Ja is another name but
   different to original name.  This custom is originated in Joseon or china.
   When those time, generally original name had been used to older people and
   Ja used to younger people.

3) Ho(호) :
   It's recorded if who has Ho. Ho is started to china and it had been common
   between Seon-Bi(classical scholar in Joseon dynasty).

4) Generally year of birth and death is recorded as the sexagenary cycle.

5) Gwahwan(과환) :
   Through national examination, entering functionary is recorded detailedly about what
   kind of examination. Gwahwan is a kind of public career  experience.

6) Bongho(봉호) & Hunho(훈호) :
    Bongho is a kind of Ho received through investiture, and Hunho is a kind of Ho
    received of being a meritorious retainer.

7) Siho(시호) :
   A name that king bestow to a very learned Seon-Bi, functionary, foregoer king or
   queen after he or she is died. It is considered by the privilege from generation to

8) Location of graves : It recorded a place name, direction of graves and existence of                                    anepitaph etc.

9) Chulgye(출계) & Ibyang(입양) :
   Because of son's adoption custom after the middle of Joseon dynasty, It is written
   without exception.

10) Writing : If he had writing activites, Everything about it is recorded.

11) Wife : It's recorded with wife's year of birth and death, wife's family clan, name and
              status of wife's father, grand father and great-grand father.

But there are some disadvantages to be put forward. It is a chart format that summarizes the lineage and blood relations of a family as a paternal center, and most of the daughter's name was not recorded. Even when you are a child, you may be on a genealogy, but when your daughter is married and you go out home, you may fall out of genealogy! Why would he do that? The Korean confucian society has a strong view of the predominance of men over women. She is a "another person" when she married and went out to her house. It is a ridiculous sexist thinking from the present perspective. Anyway it was then.

The publish process of genealogy

If genealogy had published, Republication will be wait for several decades.
Recently, genealogy is made within 30 years cycle. But long ago, in time when means of transportation and communication was been not developed, Publish cost was expensive
and Cycle or presswork of genealogy is very long.

First. Family clan, had published genealogy for the first time in 15-16c, republish after long
Second. Family clan, had published genealogy for the first time in 18-19c, is shorter at the 
               interval between first publication and republication.
Third. Interval of correcting genealogy is become more narrow as period go by in the middle
            and late. The more repetitive the number of genealogy republish, the shorter interval 
            that correct genealogy is.

To publish genealogy, it should be grasping distribution status of blood clan who can 
write genealogy to constitute the genealogy publish committee like clan gathering and 
let all the family know, so it should receive response of family. As this time, The genea-
logy publish committee set up rules-names, style, designation method and write range etc-
about new published genealogy.
The genealogy publish committee give out a notice in newspaper or call for a manuscr-
ipt after educating a director by regional groups and by each clan. After arranged and 
proofread, it is entered in a presswork process.
As presswork is end, Distributing the genealogy is termination of the genealogy publi-
sh work.

Publish process of genealogy

About the Jokbo Museum(Korea genealogy collection)

Study of genealogy have a feature that is carried on a family line in nobility rather
than be founded as systematic scholarship. So, viewpoint of museum display const-
ruction is suggested variously. 
Jokbo Museum is also built for reviewing such value of genealogy and for preserving
genealogy as public cultural heritage. If you are going to travel to Korea, please visit it.

How to visit

79, Ppurigongwon-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea.
Tel: +82-42-581-4445   Fax: +82-42-606-6929

P.S. Next time, I'll talk about the biography of King Sejong the Great, who invented 

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